Self-assessment of my own sound recordings

Here is a copy of all my recordings, good and bad as well as a recording of a narrator reading the story.





the royalty free sounds i have used:


and the original narration:

I am happy with the sounds I have recorded, I think they are effective and help to ‘illustrate’ the story. They give atmosphere to the story and make it more interesting for the child reading it. The audio needs to be good to keep the attention of the reader, to engage them. Young children can have a short attention span and so I wanted to keep them interested. I think the story and the recordings are also all suited for 3-5 year old children. I didn’t use some sounds because some of them have had background noise in them. I did need to use royalty free sound fx because some of the sound I used world be hard to find in my area like frogs crocking I think my audio sounds good although not /as professional as other audio recordings I’ve heard. That is because I did not use professional recording equipment if I had to do it again I would use said equipment.


I believe my poster has delivered to meet my target audience of people aged 12 – 50 years old. It’s clear, easy to read and has information relating to the movie.

I think Jim Carrey is popular enough and has a big enough pull to get people to watch the movie so it was important that his name was clearly on there.

If I were to have the opportunity again, I would add the director to the poster but due to aspects outside of my control, I couldn’t do it this time.

As I said previously, I chose a crossword because I was influenced by the idea of the classic 90’s suburban American dad who sits down to drink his morning coffee with his paper and then completes the daily crossword. While I was designing the poster I had multiply sources of feedback which was all very positive. It gave me confidence in my design.

Over all, I believe this is a good first film poster that I have designed and I am proud of it.

Clear target audience profile for poster

My poster will appeal to kids as well as both men and women. These are the people watching Jim Carrey films although the audience member doesn’t have to be a fan of Jim Carrey but maybe just a fan of good comedy.

The audience will range from 12 – 50 years old. Parents and their kids would relate to the storyline and make good audience members.

The poster will grab their attention, be clear and interesting enough for them to read it. It will have all the information on it, Jim Carrey and Liar Liar, to encourage the audience member to come and see the movie.

I chose a crossword because I was influenced by the idea of the classic 90’s suburban American dad who sits down to drink his morning coffee with his paper and completes the daily crossword.

Target audience research

Liar Liar is a film starring Jim Carrey. He plays a lawyer who can’t lie for 24 hours because of his son’s birthday wish, after he keeps lying to his son and disappointing him over and over.

Liar Liar has a 12 rating making the target audience 12 – 50 years old. It is a kid friendly film that also has content that appeals to an adult audience. It plays on two levels.

I think the film appeals to fans of Jim Carrey who is well known for his unique style of comedy seen in his other films such as Ace Ventura and Mask. Children and adults both find him funny. But I don’t think you have to be a Jim Carrey fan to watch this movie, I think fans of comedy would enjoy it too. Parents may watch the film and identify with Jim Carrey’s character telling little ‘white’ lies to his kid and equally, kids may recognize and relate to the son who is constantly disappointed by his dad’s promises and lies.

Liar Liar was nominated for a Golden Globe (Jim Carrey) and for a Kids Choice Award (Jim Carrey) which illustrates that it appeals to both adult and kid audiences.

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